Alpha Melech was born and raised on the lonely island of Solitaire. His mother was an accomplished weaver, and his father, Melech Sr., was a well-known fisherman. The events of January 15, 1975, had a profound impact on Alpha's life. It was a day in which the sun rose but did not go down, and it was at this very instant that he experienced his darkest nightmare materialise before his eyes. That was the day he wished there was an undo button on his life. That was the day his lifespan exceeded that of any human being on Earth. It was the day he awoke with his entire life ahead of him, when he had it all, and it was also the day he lost it all. The day his entire world crumbled in front of his eyes. The moment he realised he wouldn't live to see the culmination of his boxing career.
Tsunamis are a natural occurrence for anyone who lives on an island and should not be taken too seriously. Melech had lived through several Tsumani as a child, surviving most of them with his family. Those, however, were seen as trivial occurrences, and none of the Islanders was prepared for what was to come. Oftentimes, people are unprepared for Mother Nature's wrath. The island was struck by the most lethal earthquake ever recorded. On the moment magnitude scale, it was calculated between 9.5 and 6.6. The unique predicament took place in the afternoon and lasted for almost ten minutes in total. A reverberation went out to all of the nearby islands. The core of the megathrust was documented as being in the capital city, Solitaire Ville, whereas Petit Ville was the most impacted city. This was where Alpha Melech lived.
Thousands perished, tens of thousands were displaced, and the majority of those who survived sustained terrible injuries. His family was among those that perished, and the home he knew was utterly destroyed. Everything that Alpha owned was lost. His life had been flipped upside down. It could have been a string of unpleasant circumstances and a scary setting, but Alpha thought of the words of Marcus Aurelius, who said, "you have power beyond your mind but not outside your events. Realize this and you will find strength”. Nonetheless, how unfortunate would one be? How awful is an event for a single person? He was still sceptical about his ability to gather up the shattered pieces. His capacity to begin again. So what if it never materialises? Unless he has the fortitude to fix what's broken, a man will never achieve greatness. The key question was his resilience and mindset. To keep his composure amidst such a devastating period of his life. “What do I have to lose”, he asked himself.
He embarked on his journey to the nearby town with the intention of earning enough money to finance his journey across the ocean. His journey was unorthodox. One that is best characterised by deprivation, sacrifice, tenacity, and struggle. He did believe, however, that although every individual under the sun has the capacity to commit to a course, only the most genuine heroes are capable of overcoming obstacles in order to achieve the unconventional. He took everything because he was determined to be the protagonist of his tale, yet this was nothing in comparison to the enormous loss he had witnessed. Alpha put out every effort he could muster, from polishing the shoes of total strangers for less than a dollar to working as a cleaner at a tavern.
One particular busy Friday night at the pub, as is customary, intoxicated patrons brawled with each other, drinks were knocked over, couples argued, and the action continued to escalate. The more intense the drama, the more work piled up on his plate. He yearned for freedom, but it appeared that nature was more adept at tearing down than it was at constructing. He reminded himself often that circumstances are fleeting, and that one's commitment and consistency are what shape one's destiny.
Lost in his world amidst the Friday night mayhem, he was greeted by a well-built man with skin of his own and that of his people; nevertheless, his hair was thick and coarse, tied into what appeared to be braided from a distance but were not. “It must be a busy day for you”, he uttered melancholy. "Yes, Sir, here is the one spot where folks aren't scared to display what's beneath their superficial façade," he replied, staring at the shambles in front of him. "One of the most important truths I've learned from old wisdom is that it's impossible to learn without sorrow. For many, this is a haven to escape the harsh realities of life. My name is Baraka Rajakartr, national welterweight champion in 1974. I've been watching you for a while, and my instincts have never led me astray. There is a story behind the man who cleans up everyone's messes," the stranger explained.
Melech was astounded by this stranger's voice. It seems unfathomable that a man of his calibre would take such a strong interest in a person like him in such a social setting. Nevertheless, he recounted his story without reluctance. This was, unbeknownst to him, the beginning of his quest. He was under the impression that he had arrived at his destination; a point from which there was no turning back; nevertheless, the events of his story had not yet begun. With each completed chapter, a writer is presented with a fresh canvas on which to create a whole new novel. So does every individual graced with an opportunity to write a story of their own? As the dynamism and caution in relying on unconventional techniques that have worked in the past have become conventional in the second round, so does life provide a second chance to start over. Baraka was the miracle Melech had longed for, but miracles happen to those who have faith. Some simply believe while others are bold enough to make them happen. Melech gazed up and reflected, "Sometimes we cannot pose as prophets but must become our own destiny-makers; here was another opportunity to begin again."