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Unprecedented Love

Updated: Sep 5, 2022

I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can always adjust my sails to reach my destination - Jimmy Dean

For their normal weekend evening strolls, Ulmer Vance and Xandra Acton made their way to the rehabilitated, amber-brown forest. They were led into what appeared to be an organic environment by the harmonious singing of the birds. On this particular day, they were open to the idea of pursuing uncharted hiking routes. This was an apt description of their connection. The more leaves that Ulmer's eyes took in, the more he couldn't help but reflect on how deeply he had fallen in love with Xandra. She was a middle-aged woman who exuded an air of cool composure. She was known to have strong intuitional frequencies, and she had a contemplative disposition. An intelligent and chiselled frame, kohl-black hair, and lilac-soft lips all contributed to a beauty that captivated Ulmer's body, mind, and soul.

Vance was attractive, from the depths of his eyes to the delicate expression on his face. His analysis and view of the world were always sound and generous. Whenever he had a brilliant idea, Xandra would swoon over the excitement in his voice. She gave him her heart and safeguarded him.

Their romance was the most unbelievable thing that could have ever happened to them. Especially in a world of infinite complexity, dwindling cultural values, and egoistic and individualistic culture. A period in which loyalty is not guaranteed, and effort in establishing a meaningful connection receives the least attention. It seemed unthinkable that someone would be prepared to choose the high road and journey into the realms of love.


Never feel remorse. If it’s great, it’s fantastic. If it's awful, it's an encounter

Ulmer Vance was the son of a well-known businessman who ran an asbestos mining firm. He knew everything there was to know about life. After a string of bad luck in high school relationships, he gave up hope that a truly stunning woman existed for him. Love was reduced to fiction, an unattainable dream. The paradox of his reality was that he believed in the power of love and thought he would one day have a family of his own.

It wasn't any different for Xandra when it came to receiving love. She was born and raised in a Christian family. The culture placed the greatest emphasis on chastity and purity, and virgins were annually honoured. She devoted her time to pursuing her dreams, and despite the fact that men were drawn to her across all levels of contact due to her beauty, she spent the majority of her time giving an emphatic negative response. She was adamant about saving herself for marriage, but every sunset took her one step further away from her goal. The gap got bigger because of dysfunctional, narcissistic relationships, the nightmare of broken promises, and not being able to tell the difference between real and fake.


Despite the fact that we are all strangers—you, me, and everyone else—we can like or even fall in love with one another. Zygmunt Baumann

On October 20th, 2012, the gods orchestrated their paths to meet in an extraordinary occurrence. Early Saturday morning, the birds enjoyed the freedom of flight, and the weather was ideal for all participants and potential athletes at Circus Stadium. They were willing to run a charity marathon to fund heart surgeries for thousands of children. Xandra was taking this course for the first time, whereas Ulmer was a regular.

The race was supposed to start at seven in the early morning, before the weather warmed up and prevented the competitors from giving their very best effort. All was going according to plan, and everyone was proud of the course.

Since she hadn't been preparing to run a 10K, Xandra was under no illusions about her purpose here. Her friends were behind her presence and attendance at this particular event. They all hit the road, and it wasn't difficult at first. Twenty minutes into the race, she was gasping for air and out of breath. On her left, a stranger was perplexed as to why she would conduct such an unjust crime against herself.

"Hey, are you all right?" inquired the stranger. She stammered out a reluctant "Yes, I... am." I'll just take a moment to breathe before rejoining the race. The stranger brought her a bottle of water and volunteered to walk alongside her. She had been used to stranger danger alerts all her life, but this time it was a life-changing moment. They exchanged insignificant moments, which created the cornerstone of their connection.


Love is a decision, not an emotion. Lao Tzu.

They were both part of a society that advocated deliberating a hundred times before making a decision and living up to that decision. Ulmer had to say farewell to everyone when he realised he had finally located the missing puzzle piece. His entire body became a puddle of sensation whenever their lips touched. His hands moved languidly and deliberately throughout her body. The things he noticed about her, the sensations she evoked in him, and the way he felt around her made him realise that every second spent with her felt like an eternity.

For as long as she could remember, she had the unshakeable conviction that the entire world had paused to watch this extraordinary love tale unfold from beginning to end. For an instant, the two were the sole sentient beings in all of space. Who would have imagined that a total stranger would jolt her to life? His fragrance permeated every nook and cranny, and the indelible mark he left behind was forgotten. It was all about his longing gaze into her brown eyes, his gentle touches, passionate kisses, and the lengths to which he was willing to go to prove his love for her.

They did not make this choice on their own; it was predetermined. It was a common belief in earlier times that what was meant for you would appear when the time was right. Even they would not be able to stop it now that the time has arrived. They had discovered each other, and the possibility was worth pursuing. They had made significant investments in this account, so it only made sense to reap the rewards.

"Everyone can trust the process; it comes naturally," Vance muttered as he stopped and embraced Xandra in his arms while engrossed in the splendour of nature. She was astounded by his words and the cosiness of his embrace and reflected, "What doesn't grow you graves you," in her mind. He had found a home in her, and she had found her protector and her hero.

Sometimes, love lurks, waiting for a warm reception in our hearts. It is looking for a fertile ground where it can grow and yield. Sometimes love appears in odd and unexpected situations. Sometimes we don’t plan for it. Sometimes it finds, heals, and nourishes us. Sometimes we have to take a leap of faith when it all happens. Every love story is unique and distinct. Perhaps life would be meaningful if we embraced the idea that there is no manual and the exact expression of what love should look like or be. This is Xandra’s chronicle of unprecedented love.

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